

Friday, February 4, 2011

Travel Plans!

We've booked our flights to China! We will fly from Houston to Chicago to China on March 4. We'll arrive home on the 18th. We are waiting for information on our in-China travel, then we'll get to write the big check!

I am trying to get all of my ducks in a row at school for my sub. I'm still not sure exactly how it will work without using family medical leave. I haven't been with the district for a year, so I won't be able to use that FMLA. Luckily I transferred 20 + days from Longview ISD when I moved. I will not be able to use them all in a row, so I will be docked for at least a few days. At least one of the weeks we'll be gone will be Spring Break!

One of my projects for the next two weeks will be to learn how to cook a few good authentic Chinese meals. Any recipes would be appreciated! I'm sure Liam will get used to our food, but I want to avoid a major culture shock if possible!

I am also working on getting a doctor that specializes in international adoptions. I think we've found one, but we're trying to make sure the insurance we have will cover everything.

There's so much to do to get ready for Little Man! Keep us in your prayers!

Erin Stokes