

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sweet sweet boy

We are just adoring sweet little Liam! He now wants to give hugs and kisses (mostly to me) ALL of the time. He really seems to get that we are for real and that we are not going away. The picture I sent to Laura to post on facebook is pretty cool. The sun was coming in the bedroom window in such a way that I was able to catch his reflection looking at pictures of the family on the iPad. A funny thing about Liam is that he loves to high five or sign to men who are wearing uniforms like the bell boys or drivers. The regular bell boys are getting used to him and giving him big smiles and high fives.
Today we went to the US consulate to finalize all of our paper work. Then we went to a park to watch the senior citizens do their morning exercises and recreation. The kiddos got to play as well. Jay, Liam, and I went back to the island to shop for friends and family. Tonight we are staying in. Jay and little man are out getting us a pizza as I type this. Tonight we will also start packing a little bit. Tomorrow we get Liam's visa and then have a nice Cantonese meal with the other families and our guide. Thursday we take an early train to Hong Kong. We decided to spend the afternoon at Disneyland in HK. Of course Friday we fly home! We cannot wait!

Liam kissing mommy.

Reflection of Liam looking at pictures of his brothers and sister on the iPad.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh! Just so happy things are going well! Awesome!
